Marking the centenary of WW1: Bristol 2014 app


2 minute read
Alumni: Charlie Harman

Alumni: Charlie Harman

Marketing Manager


At Calvium we are very honoured to have developed the ‘Great War Stories‘ app with Bristol 2014, which celebrates for centenary of WW1.

The summer of 2014 marks 100 years since the start of world war one. Events countrywide are taking place to commemorate all those involved in the war effort. Not only is this a time of national reflection, but of local one too. Along with many other activities, Bristol 2014 takes a look at life during WW1 on a very local level with an app designed to bring the stories of Bristol’s world war experience to you.

“Where did men queue up to join the army in 1914? Where did a man get away with the murder of his wife? Where did a conscientious objector put the army on trial? And where were some of the world’s first female police officers trained?”

The Great War Stories app was created using our custom AppDev service. The map pinpoints the location of some of the many fascinating stories generated by the First World War in Bristol. Discover captivating connections to the past including strange urban myths, long-secret family anecdotes and wild rumours, as well as a wealth of facts and figures. The free smartphone app launches with 100 stories to use while you are out and about in the city and includes suggested routes for walks that link some of the sites.

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The initial content of the Great War Stories map has been developed by Eugene Byrne, but Bristol 2014 want many more stories and locations, based on your family stories and legends, or your own research into your family history, or the history of your neighbourhood. Simply go onto the Know Your Place website and add your story. Once approved it will also appear as a story in the app.

“The Great War Stories map app was the first that we have commissioned and we found the staff at Calvium were responsive to our needs, took care in explaining issues in a way we could understand and developed something which we are proud to promote as part of the Bristol 2014 programme.” – Mel Kelly, Festival of Ideas



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