Hayle Churks is a winner!


2 minute read
Alumni: Charlie Harman

Alumni: Charlie Harman

Marketing Manager


We were very happy to hear the good news from the creators of the Hayle Churks app, which was built using our DIY app making platform AppFurnace, that they have won The Collection Trust Award!

The ‘Hayle Churks’ app is free and published on iTunes. Memories are triggered automatically as you walk around Hayle with an iPhone, or you can do it manually with an iPad or iPod touch. If not in Hayle or you want to try it from you armchair, press the ‘listen at home’ button and enjoy it whatever your location on one of the three devices mentioned above. It was created as part of the Hayle Oral History Project, which was built to preserve the history of the town so that both residents and visitors would remember its history for many years to come.

The Collections Trust said, ‘”Hayle Oral History Project won the Collections on a Budget Award and its £500 prize, for its Hayle Churks mobile phone app. It was a really commendable project, and a very good example of what can be achieved with collections on a limited budget”.

Creator of the app, Lucy Frears said “Thank you to those involved in the app, especially for the AppFurnace software that I used to make it and the expertise and support by the staff at Calvium” 

Congratulations to Lucy and all involved!

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