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Calvium DP ConnectingPeople

Digital Placemaking: Connecting people, place and technology

Our book offers a clear and holistic explanation of digital placemaking.

Hidden Cities Urban Space Geolocated Apps and Public History

Hidden Cities Book

Learn about place-based digital storytelling from leaders in the field.

Inclusive digital interactives best practices research Cover

Inclusive Digital Interactives: Best Practices and Research, 2020

A pioneering book focused on inclusive design for museums and heritage sites.

Covers Digital Placemaking Guide

Digital Placemaking Guide

A one-stop-shop for those new to the field, as well as experienced practitioners wanting to understand more.

Ideascape Digital Placemaking for Porth Teigr FrontPage 01

Ideascape Report

Identifying how digital technologies can positively impact upon the success and sustainability of Cardiff Bay.

DigitalPlacemakingUrbanDev Page 01

Digital Placemaking for Urban Regeneration

Describes the value of digital placemaking for urban developments.

TheLostPalaceWhitepaper Page 01

The Lost Palace: Optimising digital innovation

A white paper for cultural organisations seeking to innovate with bespoke digital technologies.

CalviumEBook AppsARinHeritage Cover

Augmented Reality and Apps for Heritage

Apps are a powerful engagement tool for heritage sites. Here, we reveal 11 key principles of digital placemaking.