Rolls-Royce launches innovative smartphone app to reduce foreign object debris engine damage


Aerospace & Engineering

Airport with plane docked


Rolls-Royce Defence has teamed up with Calvium to deliver the FOD App into US Marine Corps operations.

Rolls-Royce has developed an innovative app which will allow users to track and record foreign object debris (FOD), a common cause of engine damage, straight from their smart phone.

The first-of-a-kind research contract, awarded by the United States Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) and funded by the US Marine Corps, will help to avoid future FOD costs – potentially amounting to billions of dollars – and secures Rolls-Royce’s position as an essential provider of pioneering technology.

The ground-breaking App enables Marines to report FOD found across their sites more quickly and efficiently. Using a smart phone, users will be able to scan objects to capture high quality imagery, accurate GPS location and size which are then sent for analysis in a central database – moving the right data to the right user at the right time.

The accessible and easy to use tool has been designed to maximise the number of users which will reduce paperwork and increase the effectiveness of FOD prevention activities.

Two images laid together with a circular design: An image of a plane in the air and an image of an empty airfield runway with a capital R painted on the floor

Paul Craig, President of Defence Services at Rolls-Royce said: “This is a first for our business and demonstrates our ability to develop pioneering technologies that will enhance safety, efficiency and deliver a cultural change for our customers. Our focus on FOD and our customers doesn’t stop for a moment and this milestone not only demonstrates the value of the App itself but provides a platform for us to springboard into other services.”

Developed at Rolls-Royce, the new FOD App is the first of its kind to be purchased by NAVAIR.

The automated analysis of debris location data, and development of FOD ingestion avoidance initiatives is the first step in offering an integrated range of digital services for NAVAIR’s future FOD vision.

Jonathan Sides, Senior Design Engineer, United States Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division says: “Foreign object damage, or FOD, is a top removal driver for naval aviation, costing the enterprise over $100 million per year. The introduction of the Rolls-Royce FOD app to aid maintainers, inform decisions, and reduce workload is a critical step forward in the Navy’s collaborative strategy toward eliminating FOD.”

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Team looking for foreign object debris during a FOD walk

Rolls-Royce Defence has teamed up with Calvium Ltd, a Digital Technology Agency based in Bristol, UK, to deliver the FOD App into USMC operations.

Jo Reid, Managing Director, says: “Calvium are proud to have co-created this innovative digital app, which improves FOD operations for Rolls-Royce’s customers. We are excited to continue to aid the Rolls-Royce mission to tap into the disruptive potential of digital technologies and create the solutions of tomorrow.”

NAVAIR supports the United States Marine Corps across a range of capabilities and functions. The FOD App will be configured for Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Arizona.

This is a copy of the press release from Rolls-Royce for the FOD app launch. Find the original article here: 

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