Rachel Lichtenstein guides us through London’s historic jewellery quarter, Hatton Garden


Arts & Culture

Digital Placemaking

jewellery window rings

The App

The Diamond Street App takes you on a journey through London’s historic jewellery quarter of Hatton Garden either from a distance or as a dynamic, immersive audio walk through the city streets.


Calvium were delighted to be part of the multidisciplinary team that Rachel Lichtenstein assembled in order to produce the Diamond Street app to accompany her book Diamond Street: the hidden world of Hatton Garden. The creative team included audio producers, digital artists, filmmakers, graphic designers, poets and geologists. Calvium were pleased to help advise on the experience design and development process and co-create the app with Rachel and her team.

Calvium really drove this project forward, with their highly professional work ethic, competence and years of experience in the field of new media. It was a joy to work with them and I learnt a great deal from them about new technologies, GPS and digital media. Jo Reid was extremely patient and supportive throughout the project, even when I pushed the boundaries of the technology

Rachel Lichtenstein; artist, writer, curator

Being her first foray into apps Rachel was keen to learn more about the promise, pitfalls and peculiarities of the app world. As part of the project we ran a training day so that Rachel could make informed decisions about how to translate five years of research, the narrative of a book and intimate knowledge of the residents into a compelling walk around Hatton Garden.

You can read more about the app development process on Rachel’s blog and there is a wealth of further information about the app on the main website.

Captivating, somewhere between museology, archivism, guide book and literature

George Szirtzes, Poet

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